The Joy Refuge | The Possibility Pt. 2
Sowing Seeds of Thankfulness in The Garden of Joy
I discovered the practice of gratitude in my darkest season of depression, and during a time where I was feeling more ungrateful than grateful. Previously I approached gratitude as a more ad hoc practice. It wasn’t intentional. So, I started a gratitude journal. I bought a five-year journal. Each page is devoted to one day of the year and subdivided into five sections. I love this because as time goes by, past entries can be read as new ones are written.
At the end of each day, I write in my gratitude journal (most of the time). At first I would write down basic things I was thankful for such as my daughters smiles, a good night’s sleep, or time spent with a friend. On darker days, all I could muster were bullet point lists like: toothpaste, oxygen, and a home. Over the years, this practice has deepened. I try to give thanks for moments of joy and identify specific moments of God’s presence in my day.
Since I’ve used this journal for a few years, I find that I feel gratitude and joy all over again as I read previous entries. For example, here is what I have written on September 9:
2016 – Two opportunities to share faith. My mom being in town. Your Spirit going ahead of me. Maggie taking some of her first steps. Colin being in town.
2017 – Daddy and daughters’ day while Julia had the day to herself. Jon in town. Premarital with Julie and Steven. The truth that you always pursue us. Time with Alida and her new boyfriend. Swinging Maggie by her hands and feet and her repeating, “Do it again!”
2018 – “Although we are weeping help us keep sowing, the seeds of your kingdom for the day of your reaping” made me cry during worship. Sarah’s prophetic image of a woman’s arm around my back providing comfort— immediately thought of Julia and my counsellor. A day of prayer answered for encouragement through Don, Gogo, and Paul.
2018 – The joy of gospel partnership with Preston. A little bit of progress on Rhythms For Life revisions. Ansley’s first soccer practice and fun as a family.
Gratitude draws me closer to the generous heart of God. Gratitude has changed me. I have become a more joyous person and less afraid of painful moments.1
Sticking with the Possibility of Joy
As we dive into this week’s readings, I'm excited to share with you some of my favourite places where joy sneaks into our lives. These final chapters hold a special place in my heart. I had an absolute blast researching and writing Chapter 19—you’ll see how creation itself is bursting with joy, and it’s such an incredible gift to explore! But my chapter on gratitude is the one that really resonates with me personally. Through my own experiences, I've discovered how gratitude can build onramps to joy, helping us stay attuned to her presence in our everyday moments. I can't wait for you to step into these joy-filled pathways alongside me!
We’re almost finished! You’re in the final stretch. This week we will finish up Part 3: The Possibility of Joy and read the epilogue. I hope the book has been helpful to you and is drawing you closer to the presence of joy.
Monday → Chapter 18: Serve and Chapter 19: Creation
Tuesday → Chapter 20: Suffering and Chapter 21: Gratitude
Wednesday → Chapter 22: Time
Thursday → Epilogue: An Ever-Widening Circle of Joy
I am looking forward to seeing you at 5:30pm PDT on Thursday October 17th for our Virtual Q&A on Zoom for our last virtual Q&A! These have been such life-giving conversations and I hope you’ll join us this week!
If you live in Victoria …
Coastline Church is hosting my book launch party and I would love to celebrate with you! Mark your calendar for Wednesday, October 30th at 7:00pm. There’ll be live music, desserts, and I’ll share about why I wrote the book. Please come and say Hi! All the details are available here.
Before you pick up the book: Grab a pen, or open a note on your phone. Here’s something to ponder:
What are you grateful for today? Do you any regular have any habits of gratitude?
Share your thoughts below. I really would love to hear from you and get a conversation going before our Q&A.
Grace and peace to you this week!
This excerpt is from Rhythms for Life: Spiritual Practices for Who God Made You To Be, Chapter: Upward