Welcome to Ordinary Matters. We explore faithfulness in the tapestry of everyday life because the ordinary matters.
Let us introduce ourselves!
Alastair Sterne—I am an interdisciplinary leader with the toolkit of a creative director, pastor, and writer. I serve as the associate pastor at Coastline Church. I have degrees in graphic design, theology, leadership, and a Doctorate in Intercultural Studies. I am the author of Rhythms for Life: Spiritual Practices For Who God Made You To Be and Longing for Joy: An Invitation Into The Goodness and Beauty of Life.
Julia Sterne—I am a clinical counsellor with a Masters of Arts in Counselling. I love spiritual direction, sitting with Jesus, and writing for the heart. I am passionate about helping people find their place in a better story.
What is Ordinary Matters?
With over 15 years of marriage and two wonderful daughters, we have seen the depths of life's ordinary and extraordinary moments. Ordinary Matters is an embodiment of our shared passion to write and talk about our pursuit of truth, grace, and love in all aspects of life. We want to cut through the cacophony of noise with quality articles and episodes that share our experiences and insights on living a life infused with faith in the everyday. We’ll be revising and re-releasing some of our past articles and episodes on Substack. We explore:
Spiritual formation for everyday life, reflecting the journey of our own hearts
The cultivation of emotional well-being, as we navigate life's ups and downs
Thoughtful explorations of how the gospel speaks to cultural issues
Theology that nourishes our minds, stirs our hearts, and guides our steps
A window into our daily lives, sprinkled with updates on the projects that ignite our passions
Why Subscribe?
You can subscribe to Ordinary Matters and access all our content for free. As a minimum, we share something at least once a month (often more).
A subscription is basically the cost of getting a cup of your favourite single-origin coffee and having a good conversation with us once a month. If you subscribe, you will empower us to offer more of our time to this work. Since we are still finding our way in this endeavour, we are not yet offering any benefits for paid subscriptions. But we would be greatly encouraged if you do subscribe.
Our vision extends beyond content creation—we're eager to find creative ways to connect with you. We hope you'll join us on this journey with us as we move closer to Jesus with each step.
P.S. If you can’t find our newsletter after you subscribe, take a look in your spam folder. Please mark our address as ‘not spam.’ If the newsletter isn’t in your spam folder, look in the Promotions tab (assuming you use gmail). You can always access our articles and episodes at ordinarymatters.org